Complete Results @
Follow the left-panel link from '26th Annual Snow Storm Contest > Verified Forecasts > ’08-FEB-25’ to see the complete forecasters’ verification table by station.
In the table ...
Yellow cells indicate the best score in the category.
Forecast STP cells: yellow if within +/- 5% of observed STP.
Blue (Red) cells indicate the 1st (4th) quartile
SUMSQ: sum of square errors (measure of forecast accuracy accounting for magnitude and distribution of snowfall)
STP: storm total precipitation
TAE: total absolute error
AAE: average absolute error
Final Standings and Measures of Skill - all Forecasters
Station by Station Comparison of Top 4 Forecasts and Observed Storm-total Snowfall (STP)
Perfect Forecasts (Batting Average - Forecast Stations with No Error)
Best Station Forecasts (Batting Average - Forecast Stations with Lowest Absolute Error)
Best Station Forecast Busts (Batting Average - Forecast Stations with Highest Absolute Error)
Skill v. NWS ER WFOs
SKILL: positive (negative) skill value indicates a forecast/s improvement (degradation) relative to the current NWS forecast at entry deadline.
R^2: how well the forecast model 'explained' the
variability of the observed snowfall (i.e., an R^2 of 0.710 means the forecast
model explained 71% of the observed snowfall's variability).
BIAS: arithmetic difference between the average Forecast snowfall and
the average Observed snowfall (averageForecast) – averageObserved).
Consensus … Extrema … and NWS ER WFO Forecasts with Observed Snowfall
Consensus forecast best @ BGR …CON … EWR
NWS forecast best @
MAX forecast best @ BTV … ISP …JFK
MAX forecast less than observed @ PWM
MIN forecasts best @ BOS …ORH …PVD … BDL …BGM …ABE
MIN forecasts more than observed @ BDL … ABE
* all evaluated subjectively
Total Absolute Error and SUMSQ Error
Strong correlation (R = 0.871) between SUMSQ and TAE Z-scores
Forecast by Observed Snowfall Scatterplots (Top 4 Forecasts)
A Forecast’s dashed BLUE trend line above (below) solid RED Observed snowfall line ==> over (under) forecast
R^2: how well the forecast model 'explained' the variability of the observed snowfall (i.e., an R^2 of 0.710 means the forecast model explained 71% of the observed snowfall's variability).
Storm-total Snowfall Verification
Verification of storm-total snowfalls based on reporting from CDUS41 (CLI) ... CXUS51 (CF6) ... METARs ... and PNS bulletins issued by NWS.
Good coverage and reporting.
STP derived by an inverse distance-weighting technique using vicinity STP reports from Barnstable county carried in the BOXPNS bulletin as inputs.
Snow-to-liquid ratios (SLR) less than 8:1 are not reported for stations with
measurable snowfall b/c significant liquid and / or freezing precipitation likely
occurred during the verification period.
The 'TOT SLR' field is a quantity-weighted AVERAGE of those stations with at
least an 8:1 SLR.
Stations observing >= Trace: 25 (93%)
Stations observing > Trace: 18 (67%)
Given a station had measurable snowfall; stations observing at least:
4" - 10 (37%)
6" - 1 (4%)
8" - 1 (4%)
10" - 1 (4%)
MAX snow melt-water (minimum SLR 8:1)
BDR - 0.58'
ORH - 0.51"
PVD - 0.46"
MAX precipitation (frozen + freezing + liquid)
JFK - 0.72"
JFK - 0.69"
EWR - 0.64"
New daily snowfall record(s)
Daily snowfall data table
ORANGE cells: new daily record
GREY cells: data source(s) - PNS and / or METARs or inverse distance weighting
Trace amounts (displayed as 0.05") not included in STP
Approximate areal distribution of storm-total snowfall courtesy NOHRSC
SFC analysis: 06z ... 09-JAN-25 and Storm-total Snowfall by Station
Image courtesy DOC / NOAA / NWS / NCEP / WPC
Teleconnection time-series data courtesy CPC
Upper Air
Upper air charts courtesy University of WY
SFC analysis
Images courtesy DOC / NOAA / NWS / NCEP / WPC
Satellite imagery courtesy George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Earth Science Branch
Radar imagery courtesy College of DuPage NEXLAB