Complete Results @
Follow the left-side link from 'Snow Storm Contest Verified Forecasts Storm #2 to see the complete station forecast verification table.
In the table...
Yellow cells indicate the best score in category.
Forecast STP cells are yellow if within +/- 5% of observed STP.
Blue (Red) cells indicate the upper (lower) 25% percentile.
SUMSQ: sum of square errors
STP: storm total precipitation
TAE: total absolute
AAE: average absolute error
Final Standings - all Forecasters
Station Comparison of
Top Forecasters
Perfect Forecasts
Best Station Forecasts (Batting Average - Percentage of Forecast Stations with Lowest Absolute Error)
Best Station Forecast Busts (Batting Average - Percentage of Forecast Stations with Highest Absolute Error)
Consensus forecast best @ BOS BDR BGM PHL SBY
MAX forecast best @ ORH ALB EWR
MAX forecast less than observed @
MIN forecasts best @ HYA ABE BWI IAD DCA RIC RDU
MIN forecasts more than observed @ HYA
Strong association between SUMSQ and TAE Z-scores
Good data from CLI and CF6 bulletins.
Estimated storm-total snowfall based on METARs @ 10:1 SLR.
Suspect SLRs at ORH ... PVD ... and BGM ... a likely consequence of the storm's high-wind conditions. BDR may have applied a 10:1 SLR to back out melt-water given hinky 6- and 7-group METAR data.
Stations observing at least:
Trace - 27 (100% - something for everyone. RDU 0.9" fell during pre-deadline hours)
4" - 18 (67%)
6" - 14 (52%)
8" - 14 (52%)
10" - 10 (37%)
12" - 9 (33%)
14" - 5 (19%)
16" - 4 (15%)
18" - 2 (17%)
20" - 0
Max melt-water at ISP (1.53")
CAR - 1.36"
BDR / ACY - 0.80"
BGR - 0.79"
New Daily Records:
BGR - 18.3"
(8.5"; 2003)
ISP - 16"
(3.8"; 1988)
PVD - 14.1"
(5.7"; 1988)
BOS - 13.4"
(7.9"; 1994)
ACY - 13.2"
(2.5"; 1905)
CAR - 13"
(10.5"; 1988)
BDL - 10.2"
(8.1"; 1923)
SBY - 8.5"
(0.9"; 1952)
EWR - 8.4"
(4"; 1988)
BDR - 8"
(5.3"; 1988)
JFK - 8"
(4.9"; 1988)
ORF - 5.1"
(1.2"; 1905)
RIC - 2.4"
(1.6"; 1980)
NOHRSC modeled snow depth